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5 Signs She’s Interested in Hooking Up, Revealed



Signs She’s Interested in Having Sex With You

Much of flirtation is code-breaking. When you’re experiencing a powerful attraction towards someone, it’s easy to end up reading deeply into every little word and gesture they make. 

This is difficult no matter what gender you are, but it can be particularly tricky for guys trying to figure out if a woman wants to sleep with them. As men and women are socialized in such different ways, they often interpret the very same actions to mean totally different things. 

As a result, knowing if a woman wants to sleep with you or not can feel like a total mystery. 

In order to help demystify the situation, we spoke to three dating experts to give you a better idea of what’s going on the next time you share a little laugh with a beautiful female.

Male Sexual Interest vs. Female Sexual Interest

The difference between the way men and women do things is rarely black and white. However, that doesn’t mean that they’re exactly the same in the ways they express their desire to sleep with someone.

“The way people display interest in sex is not really based on gender, but is more subjective to the actual person,” says SKYN Condoms’ Sex & Intimacy Expert and certified sex coach Gigi Engle. “Because we do live in a world that still subscribes to specific gender roles a lot of the time, men are sometimes more straightforward about wanting to have than women.”

“This doesn’t mean a woman doesn’t want to have sex, but women are taught that they are the gatekeepers of sex, giving it over to the men who ‘just have to have it,’” Engle adds, referring to a powerful societal double-standard around sex known as “slut-shaming,” which punishes women for their desire while rewarding men for essentially the same actions. “These ideas are super damaging, and play a role in why women are often not the [instigators] in sex.”

The difference is not just in socialization, but also in the natural hormones that male and female bodies produce.

Signs a Woman Wants to Have Sex With You

Inviting You to Spend Alone Time With Her

If you don’t know each other well, and she’s interested in spending one-on-one time with you, that could be an indication that she sees you as more than just a friend. 

Why? Women typically prefer to spend time alone with men they feel comfortable around. If she doesn’t know you well enough to feel platonically comfortable, some of that desire to be alone with you might instead be part of a dynamic of sexual attraction. 

“She might ask a question like, ‘What are you doing later?’ or ‘What are your plans for the weekend?’” notes Barrett. “These are the ways she’s letting you know that she’s available.” 

In particular, if she’s inviting you out for drinks or invites you back to her place (or wants to come over to yours), those could be signaling her intentions. 

Alcohol’s capacity to loosen one’s inhibitions means it’s often associated with sexual or romantic situations (this is part of why bars are such common first-date spots), and spending time together in private as opposed to public means it’s easy for things to progress to intimacy. 

Having Flirtatious Conversations

One of the most common ways to signify interest is to flirt — talking to a person in a way where you’re subtly trying to convey your attraction without necessarily telling them you’re attracted outright. 

The only problem with this approach is that flirtation can vary wildly from person to person, so it can be easy to misinterpret polite conversation as flirtation (or vice versa) in some situations. 

“Women will give verbal clues” in cases like this, says Barrett, “such as offering multiple compliments.” 

Of course, that might be a case of her being polite, but compliments about your looks or appearance could be more likely to be sexually charged than, for instance, telling you you did a good job on a class or work project.

RELATED: 10 Compliments Most Women Can’t Resist

As well as compliments, flirting to signal sexual interest could take many different forms: giving you gifts, asking you about your love life or your sex life or otherwise being playful. 

If, for instance, the two of you have a running inside joke together, that could be a case of her being flirtatious with you to signal her attraction. 

Touching Your Body Intentionally

One classic sign of female attraction is breaking the touch barrier. By and large, women are often on their guard around men, so being willing to touch you is a sign that she’s comfortable. 

Barrett notes that the touch aspect of attraction can play itself out in different ways — some not even necessarily involving touch itself. Her desire to touch you might begin to manifest itself first as a feeling of being attuned to your body and physical presence. 

“She will get closer to you when she talks,” he says. “She will give you laser-like eye contact and be extra attentive to what you’re saying, not checking her phone or looking around the room. She might fidget like a young girl. She might bite her lower lip.”

However, if it progresses to actual touch, that can be a really clear sign of her interest. 

“Many women will touch you on the arm as a sign that they’re interested in something more physical,” he adds. “A big giveaway is when she goes from touching your arm to your chest, which is a more personal place for a woman to touch a man. If she’s touching your arm, she might be interested in sex with you, but she might also just be a touchy person. If she touches your chest or torso, she’s almost definitely interested.”

Responding Positively to Your Advances

If you’re the one leading the interactions, one sign that she’s interested is if she’s encouraging your advances rather than giving you negative or neutral responses.

“If a woman is comfortable and relaxed with you, open to being touched (especially if she feels understood and cared about), she will be responsive to your affection and caresses,” says Tessina. “If you move forward at a pace that’s not too fast, and she responds, she is open to having sex. If she stops, you should stop.” 

In that situation, it’s possible that she’s attracted to you but not ready to get sexual just yet — in which case giving her time might be what she needs — or it’s possible that she’s not interested at all and unsure how to express it exactly. Just remember that you shouldn’t press the issue. Pressure will only make her less comfortable than she already is. 

Telling You She Wants to Have Sex

Ultimately, none of these signs are fool-proof. Even seeing all of these combined isn’t proof of consent — only, as Engle says, an enthusiastic ‘yes’ is. 

“You shouldn’t assume someone wants to have sex with you unless you’ve asked and they’ve consented,” she explains. “The idea that certain behaviors or choices mean she’s down for sex and should be willing to do it is a fallacy. Even if she’d taking off her clothes and you yours, you still need to check in here and there to be sure she’s comfortable and willing to continue. She should do the same for you.”


What is NIN number in Nigeria?



According to Wikipedia, a national identification number, national identity number, or national insurance number is used by the governments of many countries as a means of tracking their citizens, permanent residents,  permanent residents, and temporary residents for the purposes of work, taxation, government benefits, health care, and other governmentally-related functions. The number appears on identity documents issued by several countries.

Below are 7 things you need to know about the NIN in Nigeria

  1. The NIN is your assured digital identity
  2. The NIN is a set of 11 numbers assigned to an individual at the completion of enrolment into the national identity database
  3. The NIN is cannot be transferred from one person to another
  4. The NIN is used to verify your identity as a citizen
  5. Your NIN is what identifies you and can suffice for ID purposes
  6. The NIN is for life, it does not expire
  7. The NIN is a must – have for all citizens

Visit for more details

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Nigeria @ 60: 10 Reasons why Nigerians must celebrate by Olumide Toyinbo



Nigeria Independence Day Celebration Image

Nigeria gained Independence from the Great Britain on 1st October, 1960. Ever since then, October 1 has been set aside to celebrate the nation for its freedom from the shackles of colonialism. 2020 is the 60th time Nigeria will be marking the day.

A majority of Nigerians are not happy about the state of the country and suggest that no one should celebrate Nigeria at sixty years of age. Corruption in governance, unemployment, inadequate social amenities, kidnapping and many other breaches of sanity steal the atmosphere of the nation.

Amidst all, these ten reasons posit why Nigerians must celebrate and merry on this day, 1st October, 2020.

They include:

  1. There is hope for Nigeria

Hope is not finished for Nigeria. Nigerians can still have progressive dream for their dear country, whether such dream translates to reality in due time is another thing. Nigerians contesting political positions can come with promises of change and development every four years. There can be better days ahead if conscious and right efforts are made. Nigeria can be better.

Read Also: [Full Text] President Buhari’s Independence Day Speech

  1. Nigeria is sovereign

If Nigeria were still dependent literally on another country, Nigerians would definitely be under external control too. Colonialism is not a thing to wish for. The fact that Nigeria is independent is worth celebrating. Nigeria has the free political will which she guard jealously and being held in high esteemed by other countries.

  1. Nigerians are doing well

Nigerians are doing well and making the nation proud within and outside the country. Nigerians are hustling in an innovative manner and engaging in legitimate ventures they find worth doing, be it business, research, production, governance, diplomacy amongst other things. Many distinguished persons are making Nigeria proud even though few some still put her in bad light. Recently, a Nigerian, Kaycee Madu was made  first Black Canadian Justice Minister, this is a pointer to how well Nigerians are doing in disapora.

  1. Nigeria is not in wartime

War is not fun. Those who witnessed the civil war of 1967 to 1970 will always have unpleasant tales to tell about the war which was characterised by colossal loss of lives and valuable properties. Nigeria at 60, we are in the peacetime, the rule of law is obtainable and right to life is not outrightly threatened, for this Nigeria must celebrate, notwithstanding the fact that Nigeria can do more in this regard.

  1. Abundance of Resource abound

Despite mismanagement and underutilisation of resources Nigeria is blessed with by caretakers, those rich natural resources have not vanished the land. Oil still flows, limestone, iron ore and marbles have not been used up, plants still grow generally in the country, many other resources abound. Nigerians must celebrate her national pride.

  1. Diplomatic ties are not severed

The sixty year old nation enjoys good relationship with countries around the world. Conflicts with any nation are well resolved before escalation. Worthy of mention is the recent issue of flight ban between Nigeria and UAE which was settled in due course. The wonderful relationship with other nations has led to great development in the nation via financial aid, infrastructures, medical facilities supplication, scholarships and lot more other benefits.

  1. Nigeria remains the Giant of Africa

Nigeria remains the Giant of Africa against all odds. Nigeria has got the number being the most populous Black nation in the world. She has one of the largest economy in the developing world. For her diversity, heterogeneity and abundance of resources, Nigeria remains the giant of Africa. This has forever remain an identity that won’t fade, Nigerians need to celebrate for that. Many other nations want to be called Giant.

  1. Nigeria’s beautiful Culture persists

Awesome culture is an interesting part of being Nigerian. Every tribe has its fantastic way of life. Culture is beautifully diverse. Nigeria has numerous clothing manners, sense of fashion, building styles, delicacies amongst other things. Despite sixty years of independence, those culture of awesomeness tarry. Nigerians must celebrate this.

  1. Nigeria is a country with funny and happy people

So many hilarious persons domicile in the Giant of Africa. Nigerians love to make one another happy. A good number has turned it to a venture making huge amount for them. This lay emphasis on Nigerians’ innovative prowess. A scroll through any social media platform is enough to confirm that. Nigerians are deliberately happy people despite all what they face.

  1. Independence day is once in a year

1st October comes only once in a year. Celebrate Nigeria on this day and hope for better days ahead while doing your part diligently.

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15 Types Of People You’d Meet In Nigerian Banks



When it comes to temperament, there are basically four kinds of people on earth, but when behaviours are in play, you can be sure there is a plethora of them. If you bank regularly, you will easily relate to the things on this list. You must have encountered one or more of this kind of people in a bank, they are everywhere and can really get on one’s nerves. Check them out.

1. The Pen Borrowers


It won’t hurt if every Nigerian will spend N20 to acquire a pen rather than borrowing one in a bank which they usually fail to return. Once you lend out your pen to these borrowers, you have to close mark them else your pen is gone for good. It’s either you won’t recognize the person again or he will tell you “sorry I gave it to the woman over there” when you finally fish him out. Pen borrowers would not bring a pen to the bank but would go home with more than one, this is why most banks attach a rope to their pens. To think that these banks do not trust customers with a common pen, while the customers trust them with their life savings, is alarming.

2. The People Who Always Forget to Drop The Duplicate Slip

It’s either they are in a hurry or are a novice to the banking procedure. These set of people after their transactions will just march out of the banking hall, pink slip in hand. Then later rush back to drop it or complain about an unsuccessful credit transaction which is most often their fault. They raise their voices in their ignorance and succeed in attracting the attention of virtually everyone in the hall.

3. The Ghost Queue Members


Also known as “I’m behind you” people, these types are really annoying. The first thing they do when they enter a bank is to pick a spot in the queue before going to get deposit/withdrawal slip. Just when other faithful queue members are about to get to the front, their ghost colleagues show up to claim reserved spots. It gets funny at times when about ten people would tell one person “I’m at your back,” only to come back to see other ghost members claiming the same spot. At the end of the day, this causes confusion and if the bank officials do not intervene it may result in a serious fracas.

4. The Queue Jumpers

These ones are worse than the former, they don’t believe in the Nigerian phrase – first come, first serve. They walk into the banking hall and head straight to the counter as though the people in the queue permanently live there. The rich and influential do this a lot, but it will only be courteous for them to seek permission from the people behind them before jumping the queue. Even President Obama once jumped a queue apologetically at a barbecue joint in Texas, he even went ahead to buy lunch for the family whose spot he took. Some other people jump queues systematically by giving the person in front their money to help them pay in.

5. The Bank Door Rejectees


Sometimes it’s the people at fault and other times the stubborn door that would not let them in. These people will always have a problem with bank doors, and before you know it they will start stripping off their belts, keys, mobile phones, umbrella, pieces of jewellery and of course, weapons if they have any.

6. The Wealthy Customers

These people can take forever in a bank with huge amounts of money, making other customers with little money wait for hours before doing their transactions. It also happens during ATM withdrawals, this kind of customer will keep withdrawing until the person behind him who probably has just N5,000 in his account would plead with him not to bankrupt the machine. Nigerians are good at bad mouthing though, ‘Oga you wan finish the money?”

7. The Slip Wasters

It’s amazing how people can make silly mistakes on slips as though they were writing JAMB. This kind of people can waste slip, they keep cancelling, tearing, squeezing and taking another one. The most difficult part is writing the amount in words, they just keep rewriting the word version of N8735 to get the most accurate spelling.

Check Out: I Can Date Your Daddy, Stop Playing With Me” – Omohtee Warns Ladies

8. The Trouble Makers

The best thing is to avoid these type because any slightest comment or contribution will aggravate their anger. They come to the bank to fight the manager and any other person that crosses their path. They are the ones who right from the entrance start lamenting about how the ATM debited them without paying, and how the bank must revert their money else they would close down the account.

9. The Waiting Thief

bank thief

If you are sensitive you will notice that not everyone that comes to the bank is a customer. Some are there to monitor customers who leave with big money and then follow them outside to steal from them. You will see them hanging around without doing any transaction, just looking around and passing information with their mobile phones to their colleagues outside even though they know it is not allowed to use your mobile phone in the banking hall.

10. The Exile Men

These set of people probably just woke up from 1999, and usually do not remember the date. They will ask you for today’s date and even after you tell them the correct date, they will ask someone else to confirm.

11. The Rest Room Users


The only reason they come to the bank is to use the restroom not to deposit, withdraw or inquire. They would walk in majestically, pick a slip from the counter and then pretend to be filling it while trying to locate the restroom with their eyes. Once their bowels have been emptied, they squeeze the slip and head out of the bank feeling relieved and happy with themselves for a successful mission.

12. The Idle Bankers

This applies mostly to ladies that have no business in the bank and they are not thieves either. It’s either they accompanied someone to the bank, or they just came in to pass time and enjoy the chilling atmosphere. Some very idle people go to the extent of spending an hour in a bank doing the following; queue up to withdraw money from their account, join another queue after withdrawing to deposit the same money into the same account. How pathetic can they be?

13. The Meticulous Counters


This group of people do not want to hear that their hard earned money was short of a note after they leave the bank, so they would take hours still on the queue, counting and confirming every single note.

14. The Questionnaires

You would find mostly teenagers and older people as human questionnaires in a bank. They would ask you about everything in the bank and where to fill in their details. The only thing left is for them to ask you to help spell their name.

15.  The Perverts

These are the rarest but most irritating people you would find in a bank. They are mostly guys and would always want to queue behind or in front of a lady (a well endowed one). Basically, their aim is to feed their eyes with boobs/butt. If possible, they would occasionally brush their hands over it and then say “sorry, it was a mistake.” How are we sure it wasn’t a mistake? It keeps happening!

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